

A simple website to search subtitles of Vilebrequin's YouTube channel

What is it about ?

Months ago, I was remembering a phrase Sylvain (a member of the Vilebrequin team) said in a video. I wanted to find the video but I didn’t remember the exact words. I thought it would be nice to have a website where you can search for subtitles of Vilebrequin’s videos. So I made one.

What did I learn ?

I learned how to use the YouTube API to get the subtitles of a video. I also learned how to use MeiliSearch to index the subtitles and search for them.

What did I use ?

Tools I used to make this project:

I created a Jupyter Notebook to get the subtitles of the videos. It then transforms the subtitles into a format that I can index with MeiliSearch. I then created a Next.js app to search for the subtitles using MeiliSearch API.

View the result

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